
Word of the Year 2009

        Around the end of a year, some records or events that happened in our daily life for one year are remained. One of these event is "The word of the year". In Korea, there is  often recorded in Chinese phrase in 4 letters which was said by one politician or famous person.
        As same as in Korea,  here Some of dictionary companies pick their word of the year. The word of the year 2009 is  "admonish" selected by  Merriam-Webster's annual Words of the Year.  "Adonish" means  "to express warning or disapproval to especially in a gentle, earnest, or solicitous manner."

According to google news, When the U.S. House admonished Rep. Joe Wilson for shouting "You lie!" at President Barack Obama during a health care speech to Congress, it not only lit up talk show lines, but also sent many people scurrying to the Internet in search of a definition.

Based on ther research of Merriam-Webster's Word, "Admonish" is a
verb dating to the 14th century meaning "to express warning or disapproval in a gentle, earnest, or solicitous manner."

The Google News indicates that "Words that make up this list are words that jumped and stayed up there,"  and  "Even if the word was no longer on the front page of the newspaper, it was still something that people were blogging about or reading about online." It adds that "Admonish" shot to the top in part because it was used at several stages of the story — originally to describe the reaction to Wilson's outburst, then to the editorial reaction, and finally to the official House resolution admonishing the South Carolina Republican.

We conld find similar meaning word for "admonish" such as scold or rebuke.

There are 10 word list  of the word of the year 2009 by  Merriam-Webster.
1. admonish
2. emaciated
3. empathy
4. furlough
5. inaugurate
6. nugatory
7. pandemic
8. philanderer
9. repose
10. rogue

The word of the year in Korea has not been announced yet in 2009.

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